Today is GIVEBIG! This is a huge day for nonprofits across Washington, where individuals and organizations come together to invest in their communities. By investing in local nonprofits, you are building critical networks of support in a time when your neighbors need it the most. We appreciate your continued support in fighting hunger with us – Thank you!!
Market Customer
We hear from our customers every day. Our focus on providing fresh and nutritious foods is changing the narrative of how a food bank should remove access barriers for healthy foods.
“I just wanted to thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart! I came to the Market desperate, lonely, and full of fear. I was looking for help before a foot surgery. I needed healthy food to recuperate and gain my strength back. At traditional food banks - you get what you get and you do not complain. I have severe food allergies and do not want to take food I will not use. If you do not want it- you are looked at and judged ad being ungrateful. After shopping at the Market, I have eaten like a queen! Healthy, delicious nutritious food! Words do NOT adequately describe my gratitude! You are making a difference in people's lives!” – Market Customer
Healthy Youth – Power Packs
Happy and healthy children is our goal. Nutrition plays a huge role in their development and academic success. Power packs allow children to stay nourished on the weekend so they come back to school ready to learn.
“Prior to my work at the foodbank, I worked with highly impacted youth at the local school district. Each of my students that I worked with one on one were recipients of weekly food bags. The reality of the importance of these bags hit me one day as I was reflecting on some of the extreme behavior, I was seeing a correlation with. I was tasked with charting and reporting back to the District Special Education Dept and noticed that the most challenging days the students I was working with were Friday's.”
“Reality check: Fridays are not exciting days for all students”.
“Fridays were not the beginning of a fun weekend ahead...they were the beginning of many unknowns for these students. And food was one of the most significant unknowns. Schools provide so much stability for students that have challenging home lives, and on the weekend, all that support disappears. The look on a student's face the moment they pick up their backpacks at the end of the day and realize that their teacher has quietly put that food into it.... it’s a look of relief like I have never seen before”. – CEO, The Market
We are changing the narrative of how a food bank should operate to provide a dignity-focused approach for our customers. We are removing access barriers through multiple touchpoints of shopping in person, delivery for those homebound, and 24-hour access to food through our innovative locker network.
We could not change systems without the support of our community. Thank you! Please help us continue to end hunger and food insecurity.
GIVE Today and Get that GIVING feeling!