The Table
The Free Grocery Store...
I was at The Market for a couple hours this morning during opening. As always, I had a beautiful experience with one of our customers. A long time shopper, from back in the days when we had a run down building. We were out in the parking lot chatting and she told me how thrilled she was to shop in the new Market.
I said "Well good....because it felt like we had a Christmas present for you that we couldn't give you until June with all this pandemic stuff." (We moved in on Dec 1st and ran a crisis home delivery model until we could finish renovations and create a safe shopping experience.)
She said "Well it sure feels like Christmas to me!"
And then she gestured up to the sign and said "That...that there means a lot. You know....back at the old place, I always said I was going to the 'Free Grocery Store' to make myself feel better. But now, with that....I don't have to say that to myself anymore. That means a lot you know."
And although every decision made for 20 months straight has been about how we've made people feel in the midst of such hardship, I'd never been given such a personal perspective. Stunned...I said " couldn't have given me a better compliment. Thank you."
We're not in the food business folks. We are, and will always the people business.
THE MARKET - Bonney Lake Food Bank
24015 State Route 410, Buckley WA 98321
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