The Table
To Be Noticed...
In Oct 2020 we were filming a video to launch the capital campaign that ultimately created this beautiful space. Ethan, a now 7th grader at Mountain View Middle School was sitting in the shell of what is now The Market and was asked in the video what his dream for The Market was. His answer was so striking….that I remember feeling a bit out of body as I looked on at the scene in front of me. The lights, the camera, the ladders and construction materials all around….and a wise boy on a stool that looked so much older to me all the sudden answering every question carefully and thoughtfully.…his mother looking on.
His answer. His dream.
“I want people to feel noticed. Sometimes people just don’t feel noticed.”
Ethan…I’ve spent every day since, trying to actualize your dream. The Market is all of us. A collective voice. A space that truly honors the work. It’s always been about the best of our community, in the hardest of times. And whenever I feel a little lost in the noise, I will seek out truths from the purest of youthful hearts and minds.
THE MARKET - Bonney Lake Food Bank
24015 State Route 410, Buckley WA 98321
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